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Join and raise money for the bowls club every time you shop online.
All you have to do is to register as a supporter and then go through the easyfundraising portal when you shop.
To register you give your name, address, email address and a password. 
The members already registered have raised over £1500.00
This is the link which takes you straight to the correct page:    


Support the Club through the weekly Surrey Heath Lottery.

Draw is every Saturday .  £1/week.

You have a 50 to one chance of winning a prize

Check winners

Please use link below to join in 



The WEBC Lottery run by Val Baker is, of course, still up and running.  

 Water boiler/heater in the kitchen  

To use it, switch on at the wall and wait for it to heat up (about 5 minutes) and it's ready to go. You can use the water straight from the boiler to make tea and coffee, etc.  However, please be careful as the water gets very hot. 

          General News

Friday evening is Club Night. Come along for a roll up and bring your friends, family and neighbours for a social get together. 

Friday evening is Club Night. Come along for a roll up and bring your friends, family and neighbours for a social get together.  

We often have coffee mornings on the second Monday of the month. Please come along and bring your friends and neighbours for a friendly chat and make new friends over coffee and cake.


Also, we have raised over £1000 so far on the easy fundraising site, so if you shop on line please remember to go through their website to activate the donations.  Click here to check it out. The link takes you straight to West End Bowls page. Usual process. Give your name, address, email and an 8 digit password.

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Affiliated to B.E. Bowls Surrey W.S.B.A. N.W.S.B.A. and A&D.B.A.

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