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Short mat fixtures and results are now on the main Fixtures drop down  (updated 15 March

We are pleased to confirm that there will now be another session available for you to play short mat at West End on a Thursday morning from 10am to 12.30 pm.
Short Mat sessions are also held on a Tuesday evening from 7pm and a Friday Morning from 9.30 am. The Club has entered various leagues which are played at different venues on different evenings.

Any queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Simon Booth 

Some dates and reminders for you, Tuesday night roll ups will recommence from 12th September 7.00 pm and Friday mornings continue throughout the year from 10am. This year we hope to leave the mats down from Tuesday evening through to Friday lunchtime to maximise your opportunities to roll up and play through the week. Most SHAB fixtures at home will be on Thursday evenings. 

Woking League commences on Wednesday 27th September at Wey Valley Indoor Bowls Club
Lightwater League on Mondays commences 2nd October also at Wey Valley, our coordinator for this League is Marilyn Humphreys.


Affiliated to B.E. Bowls Surrey W.S.B.A. N.W.S.B.A. and A&D.B.A.

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