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Captains' Day pictures are on Photos dropdown. 


West End 'A' and West End 'B' teams are both top of their NWS leagues.


You can check external competitions fixtures and reselts on Ext Comps page.

Please refer to our Handbook page for Safeguarding issues (chlldren and adults)

Welcome to West End Bowls Club

We are a friendly lawn bowling club which is firmly based in the community and supported by local organisations. In particular, we benefit from the sponsorship of West End Garage.

Members share responsibility for the running, maintenance and upkeep of the club and, with a full range of fixtures, we support bowling at all levels, from absolute beginners to skilled players competing in National Competitions.


We are always interested in introducing new players to the sport and offer:

•    Lawn green bowls in an idyllic setting.

•    Superb clubhouse and green.

•    Free tuition from qualified coaches.

•    50% discount off membership fees for new bowlers.

•    Indoor short mat bowls.

•    Social events including coffee mornings, Bridge group, Knit & Natter group and Club evenings.

To register your interest please e-mail 

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Affiliated to B.E. Bowls Surrey W.S.B.A. N.W.S.B.A. and A&D.B.A.

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